Whypower versus Willpower

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Whypower versus Willpower is Also Known As

Whypower versus Willpower is also known as Dopaminergic Sisyphean Slope "Dread-to-Inspiration" Inversion NeuroTech.  If you are a "neuro-geek" you may read a working neuroscientific theory behind 'Whypower versus Willpower' deeper in this article.

Who Was Sisyphus?

In Greek mythology Sisyphus (pronounced /ˈsɪsəfəs/; was a king punished by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity.


This horrible routine was a punishment from Zues because Sisyphus had a chronic habit of lying and deceiving everyone, including the devil himself (Hades) who was also imprisoned by Sisyphus' cleverness . As a punishment from the gods for his trickery, Sisyphus was made to roll a huge rock up a steep hill, but before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll back down, forcing him to begin again. The maddening nature of the punishment was reserved for Sisyphus due to his hubristic belief that his cleverness surpassed that of Zeus. As a result, Zeus displayed his own cleverness by binding Sisyphus to an eternity of frustration. Accordingly, pointless or interminable activities are often described as Sisyphean.

Why Are Many Business Entrepreneurs Like Sisyphus?

(coming soon)


Transform Drudgery Into A Life of Inspiration: Start With Why

Theme Zoom Certification Students: Practical Steps to Building a FutureProof Empire and FutureProof Brand

For Neuro-Geeks: The NeuroScience of "Start With Why" (Inverting The Dopaminergic Sisyphean Slope)

Another name for "Whypower Versus Willpower" is The 'Dopaminergic' Sisyphean Slope "Dread-to-Inspiration" Inversion NeuroTech

(this article is a complex work in progress, original synthesis by Russell Wright)

Update for 2014:

The Dopaminergic SS Inversion prject can now point to a book that is written for the masses on this topic. Although it does not decodify and include dopaminergics in the book, the "brain hacks" on how to turn "dread" and "drudgery" into "inspiration" and "quick wins" has never been expressed so eloquently. Please grab a copy of Switch, by Chip Heath.

Idea and Meme Synthesis Credits.

  • Special Thanks to neuroscientist Mark Evan Furman and his invention called neuro-printing which inspired the concepts below. It should be noted that Mark is one of the only persons ever to recover from a (normally lethal) stroke that put an instant halt to his career as a well known speaker and cognitive neuroscientist. He knows about inverting the slope and changing his brain for the better.
  • Special Thanks to Dan and Chip Heath and their book Switch, which summarizes Whypower Versus Willpower in the real world. Please see the cheat sheet of their work at http://www.FasterMoneySwitch.com. Please just by their books immediately here. They will increase your odds of business success by hundreds of percent.

In Greek mythology Sisyphus (pronounced /ˈsɪsəfəs/; was a king punished by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity. He is also found in Roman mythology.

The word "sisyphean" means "endless and unavailing, as labor or a task". A joyless task that will never end.

"Sisyphean task" or "Sisyphean challenge":

The Proposed (Dopaminergic) Sisyphean Slope Inversion NueroTechnology (TM) Theme Zoom LLC

Invert The Slope and Shrink The Change

In a nutshell SSIT is a set of stimple "brain hacks" that utilizes little understood insights into the function of Dopamine to transform potentially difficult and uninspired tasks into effortlessly executed visions, dreams, and financial profits. UPDATE! These brain hacks have been updated:

  • Easily Create Change (Invert the Slope or Shrink the Change): www.FasterMoneySwitch.com
  • FutureProof Your Decisions: www.WRAPyourBusiness.com
  • Make Your Ideas Sticky Faster: www.BrandToStick.com

The Sisyphean Slope is the primary dopaminergic (dopamine based) model used to describe Hypermotivation 4.0 by Russell Wright of Theme Zoom LLC. The intertia of the stone being pushed up the hill provides a context for the existential suffering and lack of inspiration that most business owners face when launching a business. Russell has used assistance from leading experts in the cognitive neurosciences to invent a system that helps the business owner to "level the Sisyphean Slope" and in many cases 'invert" the slope to a decline. With proper training the Sisyphean Slope Inversion can occur for an individual or for an entire organizations. Such SSI (sisyphean slope inversion) requires a comprehensive multi-modal understanding of the effortless and conscious activation of the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) as well as a basic understanding of neural network theory. The Sisyphean Slope Inversion technology is inspired by the work of Dr. Greg Berns of Emory University.

More on this massive topic coming soon. Theme Zoom LLC. All rights reserved.

Special thanks to Theme Zoom Co-Inventor and Architect Sue Bell for ongoing considerations on the topic of neuromarketing and dopaminergics.

But What If There Were No Slope At All, No Suffering and No Business Struggle?

If there were no struggles and efforts required to succeed, it is probable that most people would be really dissatisfied as predicted by Effort Justification Theory.  Or they would be existentially terrified. If we inverted your success slope completely, probably you would scream like Bill and Ted falling into  Bill and Ted's Totally Deep Hole. (<-- humor). In fact we have excellent data about what happens when no effort is required to achieve great wealth and success. A high percentage of lottery winners lose their newfound wealth within the first year. Second and third generation wealth that has accrued within rich families tends to be lost by the fourth-generation. This is perhaps why the Rockefellers and Rothschild's send their children and heirs to boarding schools heavy on financial education and discipline. It also makes sense for the wealthy to protect their fortunes from their children with trust funds that cannot be accessed until they have been financially educated and matured past the point of impulsivity and immaturity. Anyone with a teenager should completely understand how spoiling your child with unlimited money will likely prevent them from fully appreciating its value. It is through work in some measure of pain that the value is perceived. This is literally true as confirmed by neuroscientists studying the phenomenon of effort justification and the endowment effect.

Also See The Technology Shaman

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